Brick Repointing
& Mortar Repair


We repair and replace damaged bricks and mortar on both modern and heritage properties.

We also replace vents, chimney pots and damaged or broken bricks. All mortar pointing is carefully colour matched to give a seamless finish. See also: tuckpointing

Photo of a home with brick repointing and mortar repair

more about repointing

What is repointing?

Repointing is the process of repairing and replacing aged mortar in brick and stonework. 

Our repointing and mortar repair craftsmanship ensures that repairs blend seamlessly with the existing brickwork and stonework with mortar that is carefully colour matched and mixed to suit.

What causes brick and stonework to degrade?

Brick and stonework are generally tough and long-lasting building materials, but old age can eventually degrade even the toughest materials. There are also a number of factors that can influence the longevity of brick and stonework, including:

  • Prolonged exposure to wind and rain that can cause rising damp

  • Excessive salt from living close to the ocean or rivers

  • Using mortar that is the wrong strength or consistency

  • Signs of damp or wetness Signs of moisture on the walls or floor are a likely indication of water penetrating through damaged mortar (See Rising Damp & Waterproofing for more on how we can help)

  • Loose bricks Any loose bricks or stones can allow water to penetrate, which can lead to rising damp and structural damage

  • Loose or missing mortar The surest sign that brick or stonework requires repointing, loose, cracked or missing mortar requires repair to ensure the structural integrity of a wall or chimney.

How to tell if your brick or stonework needs repair

do i need masonry repair?

Photo of a brick wall with badly damaged and missing mortar

Check your brickwork for missing mortar (pictured). Missing mortar is a sure sign that your property needs repair. Don’t ignore the signs of damage, the longer you leave it the bigger the job is to repair and restore it.


Hear from some of our restoration clients


get in touch

Let’s chat

We believe our brick tuckpointing is second to none in Perth. If you are after quality craftsmanship and personal service call, text, or email us for an obligation-free quote, or to talk about your project.